Juan Rodriguez

Community leader

Activism focus: Homelessness, Economic Inequality, Immigration

Ballot Position: #11

Candidate Statement

Dear Friends & Neighbors,

My name is Juan Rodriguez and I am honored to run alongside other grassroots, progressive candidates on the North Star Progressive Democrat Slate to represent the 23rd Assembly District as your Democratic Delegate!

I am a proud first-generation immigrant, college graduate, US citizen and member of the LGBTQ+ community. 

As a dedicated public servant, community leader and strong advocate for justice and equity, I am committed to supporting policies and candidates that will mitigate our climate crisis, fight for universal healthcare, and prioritize people over profits. 

[Click arrow to read more.]

Although California has been a great leader in addressing climate change, we cannot rely solely on our prior accomplishments. We must continue to take bold action to significantly reduce CO2 emissions and conserve our natural habitats while increasing public access to open spaces, especially for our underserved communities. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted many of our systemic medical, economic and social inequalities. It has taken its toll on our most vulnerable populations, who are dying, being evicted and losing work at disproportionate rates. As we continue to rebuild after the pandemic, we must ensure that we do so in a way that lifts up everyone in our community. That means universal access to healthcare care, dignified working conditions and affordable housing. 

Right-wing extremists and division have been on the rise, and it is more important than ever that we stand against those that threaten our democracy. As your Delegate, I will support candidates and policies that will protect our rights, not diminish them. It is imperative that we remain united as a party against regressive action, or inaction, that may jeopardize the livelihood of our communities’ basic civil liberties. 

The most important lesson I learned while obtaining my degree in Economics is that when our community as a whole does better, we all thrive. We do not have to continue bailing out banks and corporations. Instead, we can fight for fair wages and living conditions for all. 

Thank you for your consideration, but most importantly, thank you for your participation in this important ADEM election. I hope to earn your support! 

If you have any questions about my candidacy, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at Juan.Rodriguez@ad23.vote 


Juan Rodriguez


We proudly ENDORSE Juan Rodriguez for ADEM!

Partial list.  Titles listed for identification purposes only.